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Free Online Chess from
HIARCS Chess Software for PC, Mac, Palm and Pocket PC
World class computer chess software programs with superb features for beginners and Grandmasters alike.

THE top Chess Opening Theory Site!
Download games, PDF files, playable eBooks, etc.
Definitely the place to go if you want to keep up with the latest novelties!
Dutch startpage for chess.

Hot site with news plus lots more...a must for chess lovers offers kids chess games and educational games for kids.

Bobby Fischer The Bobby Fischer Unofficial Home Page
Chess Sets World A huge selection of sets and clocks.
Puzzle Master has a large and unique collection of brain teasers & puzzles for sale. In addition they also carry chess, mechanical banks, puzzle books, magic trick books, boomerangs, etc.
ChessPuzzles - Solve checkmate problems, win prizes! Excellent chess puzzles for students, parents, coaches, teachers, schools!